Reporting and Analytics

See where you are

Unleashing Data-Driven HR Excellence

Creating reports as well as analytics is one of the most complicated tasks that has to be done by an HR. This is one of the essential tasks as the results will clearly show you all the things you have made progress and what you need to improve further.

Custom Reports

Tailor reports to your unique business needs, tracking PTO, training, expenses, EEO reports, and more. PeacoHRM’s custom reporting assists in answering specific organizational questions.

Graphical Reports

Visualize HR trends effectively with graphical reports, offering a comprehensive overview of strengths and areas needing improvement, presenting a clear narrative of your HR status.

Extraction of Reports

Export and share reports effortlessly with Peaco HRM’s reporting tool. Save reports as PDF or CSV files for team review or further analysis.

Snapshot Reporting

Gain insights into employee data as of specific dates in the past using Snapshot reporting. Track changes in employee information comprehensively, providing a holistic view of past and current situations.

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