Streamlining HR: Empowering SMEs

Introduce order into your team and watch as everything moves super productively. 

Explore Peaco and how it puts everything in order.

Digitalized HR management

With Peaco HRM, you can revolutionize your onboarding process and discover effortless efficiency. Utilize Peaco’s simplified HRM/HRIS solutions to maximize HRM. Screening and recruiting are made easier with Accelestep’s recruitment by Peaco’s sophisticated HRM/HRIS Management. Attain smooth human resource management—a critical component of business expansion and prosperity. Peaco’s integrated HRM can improve hiring, onboarding, and HR procedures in general. Enjoy simplicity and efficiency with our HRM/HRIS solutions designed for contemporary companies. Improve the performance of your business with streamlined, practical HRM solutions. Put your trust in Peaco to simplify your HRM so that your team may be more successful and productive.

Cost-effective HR management

Use Peaco HRM, your cost-effective solution, to unlock HRM excellence that is cost-effective. Experience a cost-effective, high-quality HRM workflow. Peaco HRM guarantees excellent HRM/HRIS by providing necessary solutions for any type of organization. Boost your HR department’s performance without going over budget. Cost-effectiveness is given top priority in our HRM solutions without sacrificing quality. Get streamlined HRM/HRIS for effective human resource management with Peaco HRM. While remaining cost-conscious, take advantage of flawless workflows and crucial HRM capabilities. Discover the potential of Peaco HRM, which can optimize your HR procedures at a reasonable cost. Select HRM/HRIS solutions that are both affordable and of high quality to improve your HRM procedures and promote success in the workplace.

Easy and efficient onboarding process

Discover a revolutionary onboarding process with the effortless efficiency of Peaco HRM. Accelestep’s hiring methods are streamlined: use Peaco HRM’s streamlined HRM/HRIS management to simplify hiring and screening processes. Utilize the seamless solutions from Peaco to transform your HRM procedures. Simplify your HRM/HRIS procedures and provide the best possible human resource management. Simplify hiring, onboarding, and other HRM procedures using Peaco HRM. Learn how to maximize productivity in human resource management using streamlined HRM/HRIS. Peaco’s cutting-edge solutions can help you improve your HRM strategy by streamlining the hiring process and guaranteeing excellent HRM. Put your trust in Peaco for revolutionary HRM solutions that will revolutionize your HRM procedures and lead to ultimate success

Efficient documentation procedures

Increase documentation efficiency using Peaco HRM’s simplified processes. Use Peaco’s efficient documentation process to improve your HRM procedures. Peaco HRM guarantees best practices in talent screening, improving retention. Use Peaco HRM’s streamlined documentation process to simplify mundane tasks. Utilize best-in-class screening mechanisms to hold on to top talent. With Peaco’s optimized documentation procedures, you can improve your HRM. Boost HRMIS efficiency with Peaco’s smooth documentation process. The advanced screening systems from Peaco HRM guarantee the retention of high-quality talent. Utilize Peaco’s efficient and effective documentation procedures to transform your HRM practices. Ensure top-tier talent retention by optimizing HRM with Peaco HRM’s superior screening systems.

Why use Peaco HRM?

What Peaco HRM exclusively offers you to enhance your workflow

Employee management

Employee management is an essential task that has to be done properly for a workplace to run smoothly.

Talent Management

Searching for top-notch talents is a hassle and requires so much time as well. Peaco HRM can make things a lot faster.


Culture inside a company is what attracts employees to the company. Building a great culture is important.


Handing compensation and related procedures are tasks that should be handled in a professional manner.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the HRIS system includes a leave management module that is highly configurable. You can tailor it to align with your company’s specific leave policies, including accrual rates, approval workflows, and other custom parameters. This ensures that the system adapts seamlessly to your organization’s unique requirements for managing employee leave.

Yes, the HRIS system facilitates interview scheduling as part of its comprehensive recruitment module.

Yes, the HRIS system automates email notifications to candidates, keeping them informed about their interview status, whether they are hired, scheduled for an interview, or rejected.

Yes, the system allows for the establishment of Key Performance Indicators. It conducts appraisals and provides feedback, visible to the employee, aiding in performance management and goal tracking.

The system promotes employee engagement through features like Peaco Sup, a notification feed. Employees can share comments, and administrators can provide updates on promotions, birthdays, anniversaries, fostering a collaborative and connected workplace culture.

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